What's it all about?

What's it all about?
You should have successfully completed the Level 1 Award or equivalent or have approximately 70 hours previous experience of the language. The course is ideal for those who would like to improve their speaking and listening skills.
Prosp User 1

How do I enrol?

How do I enrol?
"You will explore a range of social and cultural issues through the use of informal language. Some topics will be negotiated with the learners at the outset of the course depending upon their interests and needs.
Example topics include:
shopping and travelling
cultural and social issues
poetry/ history."
Prosp User 2

Additional support available?

Additional support available?
"You will take part in an online clasroom session each week, in which you will practice listening, pronunciation exercises, small group work and a lot of speaking.
Your tutor will continually observe and support you and give you regular feedback about your progress. You will compile a simple portfolio as evidence of your learning."
Prosp User 3
1.50 hrs per wk
5 weeks