What's it all about?

What's it all about?
You should have successfully achieved Level 2 (good GCSE Level) in all four skills - Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, or have equivalent experience. The course will benefit anyone who would like to improve their skills by working beyond GCSE Level, at lower Level 3 (first-year Sixth Form level).
Prosp User 1

How do I enrol?

How do I enrol?
You will explore a range of social and cultural issues. Topics will be negotiated with the learners at the outset of the course depending upon their interests and needs.
Prosp User 2

Additional support available?

Additional support available?
Through exercises and tasks using different media, practising all four skills, often working in pairs or small groups and involving a lot of speaking in French.
Your progress will be monitored through the exercises planned for each session by your tutor. Feedback will be given and progress will be checked in every class.
Prosp User 3
1.50 hrs per wk
10 weeks